
Ernst Strüngmann Institut gGmbH
Deutschordenstraße 46
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 96769 0
Fax: +49 69 96769 555
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Task Name E-Mail Phone ext.
Managing Director Lothar Willmitzer lothar.willmitzer (at) 101
Faculty Coordinator Renata Vajda renata.vajda (at) 221
Administration Julia Trommershäuser administration (at) 562
Facility Management Michael Schmitt fm (at) 229
Public Relation Andrea Knierriem presse (at) 509
Animal Facility Matthias Ebert matthias.ebert (at) 294
Scientific Core Facility Thomas Wunderle corefacility (at) 319

How to get to the ESI

Via taxi

It is easy to get a taxi nearly anywhere in Frankfurt, they are clearly noticeable and are yellow. Fares amount to roughly 10 € from the main station to the institute/city centre, 20 € from the main station to Sachsenhausen, 50 € from the airport to the intstitute/Sachsenhausen.

Via public transport (RMV)

A single ride “Einzelfahrt” in Frankfurt costs 2.75 € and the ticket is valid for tram, bus, underground and “S-bahn” (local fast train) services. The ticket should be bought before boarding. At the main station (Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof) and airport there are new vending machines where you can pay your ticket with a debit card; at other stops there might be machines accepting cash only (coins and bills up to 10 Euro). If you travel to or from the airport, you need to make sure your ticket includes the airport: “Einzelfahrt + Flughafen” (usually indicated with the sign of an airplane); a single ride in Frankfurt including the airport costs 4.90 €.

From the airport: At Frankfurt Airport, take the “S-Bahn” (marked by a green S in a white circle). Any S-Bahn travelling from Frankfurt Airport via “Hauptbahnhof” is fine. Leave the S-Bahn at the stop “Niederrad” and change to tram No 12 heading for “Fechenheim / Hugo-Junkers-Strasse”. Get off at “Heinrich-Hoffmann-Straße/Blutspendedienst” (duration: 17 minutes).

From the main station “Hauptbahnhof”: Tram stops are located directly opposite the main entrance of the station building. Take the tram 21 to Niederrad heading for “Oberforsthaus” or “Stadion” or the tram 12 heading for “Schwanheim”. Get off at the 5th stop “Heinrich-Hoffmann-Straße/Blutspendedienst” (announced on the tram) (duration: 9 minutes). Our Institute is located opposite this stop across the street. Please see the map above for details.

By car

Motorway, at the “Frankfurter Kreuz” in direction Kassel A5, take the next exit “Frankfurt/Niederrad Bürostadt”. Follow the sign “Universitätsklinikum”. The road (Mainuferstrasse) goes along the river Main on your left hand side. After 3.5 km from the motorway exit turn right (Deutschordenstrasse). The Institute is located directly after the crossing to the right.

Motorway A5 from Kassel: Take the exit “Westhafen”. Follow the sign “Universitätsklinikum”. Directly after crossing the river Main (Friedensbrücke) turn right and follow the road along the river. The Institute is the tall building located on the corner, at a T-junction (Deutschordenstrasse), where the streetcar turns left.

On-site parking is available.