Pedro Fragoso de Carvalho

Singer Lab · PhD student
  • pedro.carvalho (at)
  • Deutschordenstr. 46 · 60528 Frankfurt am Main · Germany
  • +49 69 96769 739

Research statement

I am a physicist, currently a PhD student in Professor Singer’s research group. We work on building models of brain areas and their communication, with the goal to understand the basis of neuronal processes underlying higher cognitive functions.

At the beginning of my undergraduate studies, I learned about an unexpected connection between Neuroscience and Physics, two apparently disjoint fields. One possible way to communicate between these areas is in terms of statistical mechanics and non-linear dynamics theory, which was the path I chose to travel by. I chose neuroscience due to its ubiquitous interdisciplinary nature, and also because it is still a fairly open field. This open field perspective allows you to do and discover a lot, which gives room to be creative and have more fun.